Weight Loss Story

I went from 223 pounds down to 127 pounds. I'm sharing what I did but first, a disclaimer.

DISCLAIMER: Visitors who use this site and rely on any information do so at their own risk. I am not a health/medical professional of any kind. The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. The information on this site is intended solely for entertainment purposes. The use of any of the information provided on this site is solely at your own risk.

Also, I checked in with a doctor before, during, and after my weight loss. I recommend anyone trying to lose weight meet with a medical professional regularly while doing so.

This will be the short version of the weight loss story. I may in the future write the longer version and make it available as a book. 

Beginning of my diet was keto. I tried to do Bulletproof and intermittent fasting some but Bulletproof is a very super strict type of keto.

I was pure keto, no carbs, and I didn't count calories. I exercised 1-3 times a day, low impact cardio, for 30-40 minutes each time. I was determined, but aware that safety is the best policy. I lost weight somewhat regularly.

I got a scale that reads weight, bmi, and about 3-4 other things too. Scales goes up and down, just keep going.

When I plateaued, didn't seem to be losing much more weight I changed my diet a bit, still keto, but I had to also start counting calories. Since keto is a high fat diet (healthy fat) and fats are very high in calories, I had to start keeping calories down.

""Because 3,500 calories equals about 1 pound (0.45 kilogram) of fat, it's estimated that you need to burn about 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound. So, in general, if you cut about 500 to 1,000 calories a day from your typical diet, you'd lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week."" 

from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/calories/art-20048065#:~:text=Because%203%2C500%20calories%20equals%20about,to%202%20pounds%20a%20week

Here are some of the main food I ate.

Sweet tea was my biggest vice. So I drank a lot of water, flavored with liquid water flavor and apple cider vinegar. I tried many low calorie diet drinks....so happy when I found Bai. 

And of course, the #1 thing that helped me lose weight, Atkins shakes. They aren't really shakes just drinks, but they helped tremendously! They still do! Vanilla is my favorite.

I would make a large pot of steamed broccoli, til very tender. Mix it with salt, maybe garlic, maybe seasoned salt, and mix it,  almost tasted like creamed spinach. I called it creamed broccoli. I made a big batch and that lasted 2-3 days.

I would eat eggs and onions. Tuna or canned chicken mixed with a little mayo. I would make deviled eggs, light mayo, mayo is high in calories.   I ate a lot of prepackaged salads from grocery store. 

 Something that helped was to try and eat at the same time every day. Eventually those are the only times I would get hungry, or if I did get hungry I knew I could wait until my scheduled time and eventually my body would get used to only eating at those times.

If I seriously needed something I would just go to the fridge and eat a bite or 2 out of the creamed broccoli bowl and have some sips of an Atkins drink. 

I did "cheat" every now and then because that's just life... and Halloween...and Thanksgiving...etc. or If I was at a restaurant I would get a salad, sometimes I would get it without dressing. Not trying to make others feel bad, I'm just trying to reach a goal. Had nothing to do with making anyone else feel bad about them not losing weight, I was just on a journey and this is what I want to eat right now. I went to movie with friends, and oh my everyone around us had a buffet of foods to eat while watching the movie. I took one peppermint patty. That was it,  and I survived.

I did have some folks who treated me differently, even upset that I was losing weight. So be prepared for that. People can be jerks. I never starved myself or went a whole day without eating.

The most restrictive days I had, and I didn't have many, but I did have some, was having 1/3 of an Atkins shake for breakfast, 1/3 of the shake for lunch, and 1/3 of the shake for dinner. With lots of water, some vitamins, and some bites of broccoli during the day

Keep your bowels moving, in a safe healthy way. I do enemas. They are safe, easy and immediate. Clumsy at first but once you get the hang of it they can be quite helpful.

I wore leg weights everywhere. Grocery shopping, dentist office, everywhere. I believe they were just 2 pounds a piece, something like that, but I thought, why not? I barely could tell they were on. I wore them from morning til bedtime.

I hit that goal weight in Spring of 2018. I'm not as strict now, but taking care of your body is something you always need to keep in mind. And needs change as we get older. I can't exercise the way I use to. I have to do different exercises now to keep from re-injuring my knee. And you always have to be mindful of what you are eating.